Leading in Challenging Times (Maxwell Leadership Licence)
Crises are quite common. You could call it a crisis when you have several consecutive bad days that you can’t walk away from. John Maxwell defines a crisis as “an intense time of difficulty requiring a decision that will be a turning point.” All crises will eventually pass. The challenge for the leader is to stay strong and steady through the duration. During a crisis, bad leadership precipitates a faster fall while good leadership offers steadiness and perseverance. In this course, we’ll address topics like:
1: A good leader vs a bad leader
2: How to keep traction in a time of intense distraction
3: A crisis is a revealer
4: How to show up as a real leader in a time of crisis
This course is based on the teaching by John C. Maxwell, Leading Through Crisis.
The course runs for approximately 3 hours. It can be given on 1 day or can be spread out over a few weeks having a 1hr session per week. This structure can be adapted to suit your business needs. It can be presented to a maximum of 10 people at a time in English.
For more information, for a detailed quote, or if you would like to book a free sample session, please contact me.